Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We got to shoot the 9mm today. And that was fun, finally something to do lol. I shot expert again. The highest score is a 240 and I shot a 232. In A school I shot a 231 so I got 1 point better, yay! And today was my last day of work for 4 days, Im off until monday witch is awesome! Get to watch the Rosebowl and the Outdoor Classic on friday, freaking sweet! The Outdoor Classic for those of you who dont know is the NHL game that they play outside. This year it is Detroit Redwings and Chicago Blackhawks and the game is being played and Wrigley Feild, where the Cubs play. Well thats the update for now!


  1. So nice to be able to read what is going on in your life. Praying for you Derek! And your beautiful family.

  2. Babe, you really are slacking... you need to tell everyone about your endless studying and all the xbox you get to play now that you don't have your nagging wife around. ha ha

  3. Hey! We were in Chicago when the Outdoor Classic was played. We actually rode by the field that day! Traffic was mad crazy!

