Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Time for an update!

Time for an update! Lets see, I passed my weapons board on Monday and now I am in training. Its just as boring here :(. I havent been sleeping well the past week so hopefully I can get some good rest tonight. I ran 2.5 miles this morning and we have to go to the gym tomorrow for mandatory PT. I ordered my MA manual today, MA1 Diaz showed me where I can get my manual for free. Those things normally are like 80 bucks! I cant wait to get my manual and actually learn how to be a real MA! I wish I actually had my GOV license, cuz then I actually would have been able to drive the Go cart home for lunch today! My next JQR (job qualification requirement) is the learn sentry. Its about a 15 page packet so I should have it done in a few days. Well thats all I got now. Talk to you all again soon!

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