Monday, January 19, 2009

Fun at work

So I actually enjoy going to work. I finally found a job that I love to do. Right now I am just a gate guard basically, until I can get patrol man qualified. But standing post is fun, I have to check ID's and make sure the people coming on base are suppose to be here. I have the power to not let you on base, hehe. Article 7B of the UCMJ says I have the authority no matter what your rank is to take you into custody, how cool is that! Being a cop is so freaking awesome, why didnt I do this job earlier! Im going out on the town later so ill try to remember to bring my camra this time and take some pictures, sence im not suppose to take pics on base.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Derek, Glad you are enjoying your work... I bet it make's you feel like the ( you know what ) being able to tell someone above you that they cant go on base.......LOL sound's like you are also enjoying Japan.

