Thursday, December 25, 2008


So today is Christmas for me, kinda sucks caus its the first one away from my family. Im a little sad but Ive got some friends here that I can be with so I wont be lonely. They have a Christmas dinner tonight that I will probably go to. Other than that Im going to be in training for a little while so right now I am working on getting my quals done for all my weapons. I have to go field strip all the guns and clean them and then put them back together. Then after I do all that I actually get to go shoot them, yay! Um I went grocery shopping yesterday, that was fun. I should have bought enough food to last me at least two weeks, we will see! Okay well nothing else to put down so I guess I will go now, buh bye! O ya, here are some pics of my fridge and room.


  1. Yep, you should be good for two weeks. Looks like you're doing better than I am!

  2. Should I send you a recipe for enchiladas and guacamole???

  3. umm propel is obviously very important! lauren loves that stuff too. ick.

  4. You're slacking... we need updates!

