Monday, December 29, 2008


Hey everybody, I know Im slacking a little bit on the updates but there isnt much to write about. Im working on my weapons PQS so that way I can actually carry my fire arm around lol. We carry 9mm Barreta's. So I have to get my quals done for that, the shotgun and also the M16. They wont let us shoot the M4, dunno why. I got my cammies today witch was cool. I cant wair them yet cuz I have to get them pressed and I have to go buy my combat boots. So I have to take my uniforms to the cleaners tomorrow to get that done and hopefully they will be done by Monday cuz of holiday stand down. Um dont know what else to post so Ill try and keep this more updated.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Derek, does the Navy pay for pressing your uniforms, and is the boots going to be expensive. I have had a bad cold the last few days but I am starting to feel better, better go I have things to do here today, Talk to you at another time, Grandpa

