Friday, December 19, 2008


Well I am in Sasebo now. It took 3 airplanes and 1.5 hours of driving but I am now here. I got all checked in and I have my own room. Had to take a class witch took us on a tour of the city so I have some pictures from that. The other MA's have taken us out into town and got us some food. I have to say so far I love Japanese food. It is very clean and pretty here. And the people are very nice. Driving is a little weird but its something I have to get used to cuz I have to drive a police car around soon. Im still a little jet lagged witch sucks. Im going to try and put some pics on here so you all can see.


  1. Yay! You're so smart! You figured it out all on your own! Now you'll have to figure out how to add to the layout.

  2. Great pictures!!! I promise I'm not stalking you, lol...just trying to keep up.

  3. Aww... Mia, stalk all you want! You're family now! heehee

  4. I'm stalking too Derek....LOL love the pics. I feel really bad you didn't get to spend holidays with Kim and Jacob. Just think of the reunion now though and how great it will be when you do see them..

  5. YUMMY Oiishii!!!! Ramen, Gyouza and Onigiri!! Some of my favorite food! You should try "Kurai Ramen" (spicy ramen)... its so delicious!

  6. The spicy kind is my favorite! Thats why I always get when we go!

