Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We got to shoot the 9mm today. And that was fun, finally something to do lol. I shot expert again. The highest score is a 240 and I shot a 232. In A school I shot a 231 so I got 1 point better, yay! And today was my last day of work for 4 days, Im off until monday witch is awesome! Get to watch the Rosebowl and the Outdoor Classic on friday, freaking sweet! The Outdoor Classic for those of you who dont know is the NHL game that they play outside. This year it is Detroit Redwings and Chicago Blackhawks and the game is being played and Wrigley Feild, where the Cubs play. Well thats the update for now!

Monday, December 29, 2008


Hey everybody, I know Im slacking a little bit on the updates but there isnt much to write about. Im working on my weapons PQS so that way I can actually carry my fire arm around lol. We carry 9mm Barreta's. So I have to get my quals done for that, the shotgun and also the M16. They wont let us shoot the M4, dunno why. I got my cammies today witch was cool. I cant wair them yet cuz I have to get them pressed and I have to go buy my combat boots. So I have to take my uniforms to the cleaners tomorrow to get that done and hopefully they will be done by Monday cuz of holiday stand down. Um dont know what else to post so Ill try and keep this more updated.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So today is Christmas for me, kinda sucks caus its the first one away from my family. Im a little sad but Ive got some friends here that I can be with so I wont be lonely. They have a Christmas dinner tonight that I will probably go to. Other than that Im going to be in training for a little while so right now I am working on getting my quals done for all my weapons. I have to go field strip all the guns and clean them and then put them back together. Then after I do all that I actually get to go shoot them, yay! Um I went grocery shopping yesterday, that was fun. I should have bought enough food to last me at least two weeks, we will see! Okay well nothing else to put down so I guess I will go now, buh bye! O ya, here are some pics of my fridge and room.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thunder Storms

It is Sunday morning here in Sasebo and we had thunderstorms all night witch was kinda cool. But now its just all dark and rainy. Going to go see The Day The Earth Stood Still today, hope its good. Other that done really have anything else going on. Later!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


Well I am in Sasebo now. It took 3 airplanes and 1.5 hours of driving but I am now here. I got all checked in and I have my own room. Had to take a class witch took us on a tour of the city so I have some pictures from that. The other MA's have taken us out into town and got us some food. I have to say so far I love Japanese food. It is very clean and pretty here. And the people are very nice. Driving is a little weird but its something I have to get used to cuz I have to drive a police car around soon. Im still a little jet lagged witch sucks. Im going to try and put some pics on here so you all can see.
