Sunday, February 1, 2009


So we went snowboarding last night, it was a lot of fun! My first time ever on a snowboard and I didnt do to bad. I was on the bunny slopes for about 45 mins getting the hang of it. Then I finally went up the mountain on the big slop. I was soooo scared at first going up the lift. Cuz where you start at the top where the lift stops, its like a 45 degree angle to get started! So the first time I went down I started going to fast so I fell on purpose so I could slide the rest of the way down. It was so much fun tho! After a few trips down I started to get the hang of it. And then the last time down I got a little cocky and tried to do some carving in and out. Well the nose of my board cought the snow and I hit real hard and my body turned but my legs didnt. So I pulled a muscle in my knee perty bad. I could barely get down the mountain the rest of the way. I woke up this morning and couldnt put any pressure on it. But I have been moving around and I walked over to the commissary and went grocery shopping and it didint hurt to bad. So hopefully I didnt do any permanent damage.

1 comment:

  1. Derek see what happens when you get cocky......LOL glad you had fun !

