Saturday, February 28, 2009

Got to write my first speeding ticket!

I got to write my first speeding ticket today, it was awesome! I was in unit 3 today so I got to drive anywhere I wanted today. I got to do all the driving so it was fun. So I got a ticket book issued to me today, yay. My partner and I got the radar gun and parked next to the post office. The speed limit on that street is 20KPH(kilometers per hour) and he was doing 34! 14 kilometers over, id say thats a good reason to pull someone over! And it was a Chief also, Chiefs think they are above the law, haha I showed him, lol. Today was a great day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Off to work today.

So I started sections today. Ive moved up to the "big leagues" I guess you could say. I started out the day riding around with the Patrol Supervisor for like a hour. Then I had to do a RAM (random anti terrorism measure), just standing out front of post one. If you want to know what a RAM is then email me and Ill tell you. Then I stood post one for like 45 mins and then took lunch. After lunch I rode with a unit and we wrote some parking tickets. And then I downloaded and went home (downloaded = turning in my weapon). But my days off got changed so now I have Wednesday, Thursday off instead of Friday, Saturday. O well, I would rather work the weekends because thats when everyone gets drunk and it gives me something to do! Well, till next time, ta ta.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So we went snowboarding last night, it was a lot of fun! My first time ever on a snowboard and I didnt do to bad. I was on the bunny slopes for about 45 mins getting the hang of it. Then I finally went up the mountain on the big slop. I was soooo scared at first going up the lift. Cuz where you start at the top where the lift stops, its like a 45 degree angle to get started! So the first time I went down I started going to fast so I fell on purpose so I could slide the rest of the way down. It was so much fun tho! After a few trips down I started to get the hang of it. And then the last time down I got a little cocky and tried to do some carving in and out. Well the nose of my board cought the snow and I hit real hard and my body turned but my legs didnt. So I pulled a muscle in my knee perty bad. I could barely get down the mountain the rest of the way. I woke up this morning and couldnt put any pressure on it. But I have been moving around and I walked over to the commissary and went grocery shopping and it didint hurt to bad. So hopefully I didnt do any permanent damage.
