Friday, January 30, 2009


So we finally cooked up on the fourth deck kitchen. You have to walk all the way down the street and get the key to the kitchen. Thats why I havent done it yet. MA3 Andres made some pasta with a kinda of Alfredo sauce with spinach in it. I fried up some chicken breast. It was a perty good meal. I just miss eating some home cooked food so I think thats why it tasted so good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Its been snowing all weekend! Its crazy, Ive never been in so much snow! We had a soccer game last night, I know me playing soccer, hehe, but anyways I played and we lost both games. The first game we tied 8-8 and lost in the shootout. The second game we lost 3-2. O well, Ill put some pics on here. Next month is the Racquetball tournament, now that is a sport Im good at!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Just thought I would post a picture of what YEN looks like, this is 5000 yen witch is about 50 bucks.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fun at work

So I actually enjoy going to work. I finally found a job that I love to do. Right now I am just a gate guard basically, until I can get patrol man qualified. But standing post is fun, I have to check ID's and make sure the people coming on base are suppose to be here. I have the power to not let you on base, hehe. Article 7B of the UCMJ says I have the authority no matter what your rank is to take you into custody, how cool is that! Being a cop is so freaking awesome, why didnt I do this job earlier! Im going out on the town later so ill try to remember to bring my camra this time and take some pictures, sence im not suppose to take pics on base.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First day of "work".

So today was the first day that I actually went to a post and stood a post. First tho they took us around and showed us the post. I saw all but one, post 11. One of the post is like 45 mins from base! Thats crazy! We have 19 posts that have to be manned. So I stood post 9 for a few hours then rode around in a patrol and just did rounds. Thats about it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Time for an update!

Time for an update! Lets see, I passed my weapons board on Monday and now I am in training. Its just as boring here :(. I havent been sleeping well the past week so hopefully I can get some good rest tonight. I ran 2.5 miles this morning and we have to go to the gym tomorrow for mandatory PT. I ordered my MA manual today, MA1 Diaz showed me where I can get my manual for free. Those things normally are like 80 bucks! I cant wait to get my manual and actually learn how to be a real MA! I wish I actually had my GOV license, cuz then I actually would have been able to drive the Go cart home for lunch today! My next JQR (job qualification requirement) is the learn sentry. Its about a 15 page packet so I should have it done in a few days. Well thats all I got now. Talk to you all again soon!
